You bought a villa in Marbella and you don’t like the way it is laid out, or its spaces are too run down?

Buying a property in Marbella does not mean that you have to live in the conditions in which you bought it. On the contrary! It is the right time to transform it into your own reflection and likeness according to your tastes and criteria, especially as it is such a desirable destination to live in Spain.

It is important that the villa you have always wanted to have has quality finishes and exclusive designs, that is why it is important to count on the services of a construction company The main tool to ensure that the project is carried out in an ideal way and that you enjoy your spaces in the best way is to work with first class materials, as well as to complete the projects in the estimated time, is the main tool to ensure that the project is carried out in an ideal way and that you enjoy your spaces in the best way.

But what does the rehabilitation of a villa comprise? If you want to know which are the services offered by construction companies for these cases, from Marvel Construction we invite you to continue reading the following post!

¿Qué servicios ofrecen las empresas constructoras para la rehabilitación de villas?

Improving the conditions for a house to be habitable and safe in terms of structure and construction goes beyond just covering walls or floors. This includes lighting, installations and even accessibility, among other aspects.

Here are some of the services you should consider when talking to a builder about refurbishing your villa:

  • Recovery:

The deterioration of materials and spaces in a villa or building must be assessed on an individual basis, as each project has different conditions and materials.

In this sense, it is important to make an inspection of the spaces, generating in turn a technical report which will reflect the damage that the property presents, from the deterioration of the materials for the time of inaction to the quality of the materials that were used in the beginning of its construction and in this way to be able to proceed to recover that which has a useful life, starting from the use of tools and the workmanship of skilled professionals.

It is not only the aesthetic aspect of the house that is important, as the safety of the structure is of primary importance in order to be able to occupy the space.

  • Restoration:

As a result of many renovations in the villas over the years, they have become deficient, which is why the specialists in the field, on observing this situation, must propose a restoration of the environment.

The aim is to renovate any element of the building, i.e. to eliminate overlapping or materials that are not in good condition so that they can continue to be used, thus avoiding setbacks or complications when handing over the project and its use.

  • Maintenance:

It is advisable for any project, whether it starts as a clean construction site or has been remodelled, restored or rehabilitated, to maintain constant supervision and maintenance of all areas, in terms of construction materials, lighting, plumbing and any other complement that integrates the villa.

¿Qué tipos de rehabilitación se pueden aplicar a una villa?

In order to start the renovation of a villa, you must know what the property will be used for, as this will determine the design and the appropriate location of each aspect. Among the existing rehabilitations we can name:

  • Drainage networks.
  • Underpinning of walls and foundations.
  • Enlargements.
  • New roofs.
  • Restoration of environments.
  • Rehabilitation of facades.
  • Interior decoration.
  • Implementation of all types of installations: air-conditioning, electricity, fire protection, hydraulic platforms, etc.

Rehabilita tu villa en Marbella con Marvel

Rehabilitate your villa in Marbella with the professionals of Marvel Construction, we work with high-end finishes, as within our specialties as a construction company we offer the best quality renovations and reforms.

Rehabilitating a work that has pre-designed features is not a task for everyone, since a carelessness can affect the entire construction, so contact us and we will provide you with the best advice, attention, work, monitoring and maintenance by the multidisciplinary staff of our company.

What are you waiting for?
